BWC changing the ending of domestic violence in Brisbane
The Brisbane Women’s Club (BWC) unveiled a red bench outside the Lovewell Café in Mt Gravatt as part of the Red Bench Project to raise awareness of domestic violence last Sunday 24 October.
Lady Mayoress Nina Schrinner and Deputy Mayor Krista Adams were among the guests at the event.
BWC, Red Rose Foundation, Brisbane City Council (BCC) and Lovewell Foundation joined forces to support the Red Bench Project providing a visual reminder that domestic violence is a prevalent issue in all communities.
The initiative is part of the Red Rose Foundation’s commitment to end domestic and family violence related deaths in Australia.
Red Rose Foundation, Chief Executive Officer, Betty Taylor said they hoped the daring red colour would keep the issue of domestic violence at the forefront of people’s minds generating the much needed, yet often taboo, discussions in our community.
“The benches will encourage people to stop, sit, read the plaques and bring the issue of domestic violence to people of all walks of life, whether they have been affected by DV or not,” she said.
“It’s up to all of us to have the conversation about DV in our communities and to help stop these preventable deaths.”
Brisbane Women’s Club, Chair of the Board, Leah Stangle said BWC was delighted to support the Red Bench Project that aligned closely with the club’s ethos, to make Brisbane a better place for women to live and work.
“The BWC board has worked hard with our partners to send a strong message to the community that we want to end the silence around domestic violence,” Ms Stangle said.
“The bench was installed outside the Lovewell Café, run by the Lovewell Foundation, that works with women who are rebuilding their lives to retake their place in our community.
“We couldn’t imagine a better place for our red bench to be placed, outside an organisation that’s sole purpose is uplifting women, and supporting them to regain the confidence they need to take charge of their own life,” she said.
Ms Stangle said the Brisbane Women’s Club has worked collaboratively with the Red Rose and Lovewell Foundations to make this happen with the support of the Brisbane City Council.
“Thanks to the BCC, who approved and paid for the installation of the bench, we are proud to be involved in a project that is helping women to live free from violence and abuse.”
Qld Police responded to 113,779 DV cases between July 2020 and March 2021. To date, approx 270 red benches have been installed mostly in Queensland with eight in New South Wales and two in South Australia and 30 within Brisbane. The first bench was installed on 15 May 2019 in Cleveland.
24 October 2021
Official cutting of the ribbon
L to R: Jim Boden, Red Rose Foundation, Lady Mayoress Nina Schrinner, Annie Stonehouse, Lovewell Foundation, Leah Stangle, Brisbane Women’s Club and Councillor Krista Adams, Deputy Mayor.