BWC Christmas High Tea
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
BWC proudly presents our Christmas High Tea Party, sponsored by the Novar Group – An event for our members and their guests.
This year’s event will include a French Champagne High Tea at the exquisite Emporium Hotel South Bank, followed by a huge Christmas raffle and the announcement of the 2022 BWC Grant Recipient.
Please RSVP by 5pm, Thursday 3 November 2002.
We will be collecting items to form hampers to be gifted to some of the amazing carers associated with The Carer’s Foundation Australia.
We would like to ask attendees to please bring along and donate something special for a table hamper that will be created on the day, eg nice toiletries, light reading book, special chocolates, something that would make you feel special if you were to receive it as a gift!
Grant Recipient Announcement
We will be announcing the winner of our 2022 Brisbane Women’s Club $10,000 grant to a local charity that supports women and which is aligned with our constitutional objectives.
Our key-note speaker will be a representative of the grant recipient.
Accommodation Discount (Optional)
Emporium Hotel has provided a discount code for 15% off the Fully Flexible Rate for anyone wanting to book accommodation the night of the event. Email leah@bwc.org.au to obtain the code.
Thank you to our sponsors
This event is proudly sponsored by Novar Group (A civil construction company with offices in Brisbane and Mt Isa). Leonie Black together with her husband and CEO Brad Black have built a strong civil construction business servicing all parts of Queensland. They have also stayed true to their core values of being active in the charity sphere and were one of the first sponsors to jump on board and join with BWC to help make this Christmas event a reality. We offer our sincere thanks to Leonie and Brad and all of the Novar Group team.
Policies & Information
COVID Management – The event will be COVID compliant and venue run under a COVID-Safe Plan.
Cancellation Policy – In the event of event cancellation due to government-ordered COVID conditions/ lockdown prior to 18 November, all tickets will be refunded in full minus a $2 admin fee/processing fee. In all other circumstances (and after 19 November), tickets are transferable but not refundable.
Photography Consent – I consent to allow BWC to collect and use my personal images by photography or video recording (including using such images on BWC website, social media, as well as newsletters and publications now or in the future). Consent can be withdrawn at any time by notifying secretary@bwc.org.au. In giving my consent voluntarily I confirm that I am over the age of 18.
Venue: Emporium Hotel South Bank
Venue Phone: +61 7 3556 3333
Venue Website: https://www.emporiumhotels.com.au/